Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! This week in class we discussed word of mouth marketing. Once there was a point in time where we could not simply call, text, snap, tweet, message, or search to find out about certain products, places, and people. People had to rely on the experiences of others to determine whether they wanted to try new things. You had to trust the experience of others to make your own assumption about things that you wanted to try. Whether you wanted to go on a vacation, try a new restaurant, wedding venue, party ideas we relied on the experience of others. Therefore word of mouth marketing was and still is an important tool. After I analyzed the readings for this week, I noticed that word-of-mouth marketing is used all day every day. Although it is easier to find reviews on certain products and places through social media and search engines, sometimes it's comforting for reviews to come from people you know and trust. Based on the title of...