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Social Media Is The Key To Our Future

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! This week in class we discussed social media and its growth. We had a discussion post this week about whether or not teachers should incorporate social media inside of their classrooms. For this blog posting, I'm going to dig deeper into this theory and my beliefs. 

Technology has been a part of my life since I can remember. I have seen major advancements in technology fold right in front of my eyes. I always thought about technology in a positive way. Once social media apps began forming and becoming well known I wanted to have an account. Currently, I have social media accounts for: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Linked In, and Tik Tok. Each of these sites serves a different purpose for my life. I use Facebook and Snapchat to stay connected with close family and friends, I use Twitter and Instagram and Tik Tok for entertainment purposes, and I use Linkedin for networking opportunities. Facebook is very resourceful for networking and finding groups that gauge interests. Growing up, a lot of older adults made it seem like having social media accounts was negative. I believe that social media isn't going anywhere and it's something that should be embraced and used to our advantage. Because I've had different types of social media accounts for so long, once I came to college and my professors asked me to incorporate Facebook and Twitter postings into my work, it wasn't hard for me to do or adapt to because I already know how to work the social media sites. I believe that educators should incorporate social media into their classrooms. There is no way to get around social media other than to not have an account for yourself. Honestly, pretty much every organization and company has a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account. Social media is used for branding, networking, marketing, reaching a wider audience and so much more. When I was in grade school, my teachers would always say that how social media could ruin our image, but the conversation never went beyond those words. Personally, I've known a lot of people who have a job interview coming up and they have to "clean" their social media pages. There is a certain type of etiquette that should be used on social media, but if we are never taught it then how is someone supposed to know? I believe that if educators started incorporating social media inside of their classrooms, students would understand to use it as a resource to help them in all life's endeavors. 

I read an article by Loyola University in Maryland about the integration of social media in the classroom. The article shared that students are more connected through social media, now more than ever and so are the parents. The article shared that teachers have been slow to incorporate social media in the classroom because they believe that it will be more of a distraction than a tool. Loyola University found that this is inaccurate when teachers know how to use social media. They said two questions come to mind when teachers think about integrating social media. "How do integrate social media into my classroom while focusing on standards, and how do I ensure the students are responsible digital citizens?" 

How do I integrate social media into my classroom while focusing on standards? 

- I believe that if educators emphasize their standards in the beginning, then students will adhere to them. Using social media isn't something that she is deemed unprofessional. Educators should set and enforce their standards and professionalism while integrating social media. What do you all think? What would you all add? 

How do I ensure the students are responsible digital citizens?

- Educators could develop a code of conduct for their students with rules that the students should adhere to. By doing this, it'll also help the students with their professionalism and it'll be easier for the students to navigate through social media as a professional resource than just for pure entertainment. 

According to Loyola University, social media is beneficial for promotion, extended learning, creating connections, and digital citizenship. 


- Showcase students work

- announcements

- events 

-acknowledgment of students

Extended Learning

- teachers/students can share blogs and or articles relative to the topic that day/week

Creating Connections

- connect with parents 

- connect with other students and experts

Digital citizenship

- students can learn how to use social media responsibly

I believe that by integrating social media in the classrooms, students will become more engaged while learning the correct way to use social media and its resources. Something that I found interesting was that Loyola University has developed an educational technology graduate program. Their graduate program has been designed to help those in education learn and become more equipped with today's technology. 


  1. Social Media Management

    A complete meaning, idea, and structure guide the evaluation and improvement of management software for social media and are not there but from the beginning of creating strategies for social media. At the same time, many professionals continue to lack the necessary expertise for the first step to address the issue while providing effective procedures for leveraging social media by using strategic marketing. A logical alliance and expansion of the present are relevant management software for publications regarding social media to offer a firm definition, philosophy, classification, and endorsement of management software for the social media platform. The idea of the management software for the social media improvement process also suggests that executives of firms first need to recognize end users' motivations to engage in brand-related social media activities and encourage their voluntary contributions.

    However, the four-management software for social media includes social strategy for, commerce, content, monitoring, and customer relationship management, by indicating increasing strategic maturity with the adoption not following a blueprint. The procedures exposed the strategic objectives, resources, and capabilities determined by the executives of firms. The success of the various management software for social media depends on the ability of the workforce to detect and influence consumers' assets by converting passive recipients to end-users on the social media platforms where executives value participation from their contributors. Depending on the executives' willingness to distribute their assets to encourage collective interaction, create suitable reactions, and improves consumer relationships, they assist the executives with building a competitive advantage and increasing corporate performance.


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