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Don't We All Love Memes?

 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I've been gone for a while but I'm back and ready to bring you all somore interesting topics! I'm currently still a strategic communications graduate student! I'm set to graduate in Decemeber and I couldn't be more excited! 

Let's jump right in! Have you ever saw a meme that directly reflected how you feel? Have you ever saw a meme that was so funny that you had to share it with all of your friends? The truth is that we all have seen a meme that made us feel all of our emotions. If we are on social media often we probably can't go a day without seeing a meme. Therefore, my question for you all this week is: why do we love memes so much? I'm going to answer this question from my own experiences but I want to hear what you all think as well in the comment section. 

I ran across an article on bustle where they broke down why they believe that we love memes. Bustle said that we love memes because:
  • We love inside jokes
  • They're incredible social
  • We love improvisation and competition
  • They're user-created content
  • The internet is the perfect space
Let's disect each of bustles claims about memes: 

We love inside jokes

Bustle stated that inorder to understand certain memes we have to have some type of background knowledge on the topic. This makes individuals feel like they are apart of an elite community. I agree with this. I have come across memes that I personally don't understand but are viral on social media because they appeal to certain people and communities. For example, I'm from Alabama and I saw this meme: 

I believed that this meme was funny because I'm from Alabama I've seen this sign plenty of times and I related to it because I have background knowledge. I mean come on I know that you all have seen a meme that relates to where you're from. I can't be the only one. 

They're incredibly social

Whenever I see a meme that I think is funny or relatable I always look at the comments to get even more laughs because the comment section can sometimes be funnier than the actual meme. According to bustle "studies of memes increasingly reveal that they take up a big chunk of our time on the internet,"Studies of memes increasingly reveal that they take up a big chunk of our time on the internet." I agree with this because we see memes and then we take our time to repost, share, and screenshot. Memes "diffuse from person to person, but shape and reflect general social mindsets." 

We love improvisation and competition
Have you all ever saw a meme and thought of something else you can put with it to make it funnier? Have you all ever saw a meme with the same picture but with different words that made it more appealing than the one you saw before? Here are a few examples: I know we have all seen Kermit The Fog sipping his tea or the nick young confused meme? We have seen different variations of these memes because people were improving and trying to come up with ways to make the meme more relatable or funnier. 

I personally don't get tired of seeing the same type of memes with different words because they give me a great laugh. Do y'all feel the same type of way?

They're user-created content

Bustle stated that the reason why everyone loves memes is because they're not only made by one force or company. Anyone can create a meme. It's almost impossible to discover where a meme was created because they're are always so many different versions of the same memes. This makes them more relatable and user friendly. Memes evolve by other users recreating/remixing the meme and making it relatable to them which makes the meme go viral more. Have any of y'all created a meme or remixed a meme that was always created? 

The internet is the perfect space

Since the emergence of social media platforms, it has become extremely easy to share user created content. According to Bustle, memes are successful because they transfer cultural knowledge into small pieces such as memes. Bustle broke down why some memes are more successful than others. The 3 ways they were broken down are by longevity, (being able to thrive) fecundity, (ability to be copied) and, fidelity (ability for copies of the meme to be accurately portrayed). Memes have been around forever because honesty anything can be translated into a meme. 

Now I want to hear what you all think! Based on bustles findings do you agree with them? Do you believe that memes will last forever? I certainly do! They're great for entertainment purposes and I believe that as long as social media platforms exist, memes will continuously evolve. Memes can make individuals feel every emotion possible and I believe that they are a great way to bring people together! 

I hope you enjoyed my blog post this week! I'm including the link to the Bustle article here !
See y'all online next week! 


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